8 minute read


This work is incomplete. It still needs to be drawn together and form a consistant whole. I plan on having two systems for Radiation Damage in my D&D 5e Gamma World system. The first is a realisitic system that will be used for dramatic purposes. This will be a system that will model the idea of someone who is so radiated that they are going to die, but it will take them weeks or months to do so. This will give the player the option of finding a cure with some sort of Ancient Tech or revenge a wrong before dying. The other system will mirror the radiation systems found in 1st and 2nd editions of Gamma World. This system is not complete yet, as the math is still being done. This second system will basically set a CON Save vs a DC that is based on the Radiation Intensity plus any modifiers based on armor or whatnot and give you an outcome that can either be mitigated by damage, mutation, or exhaustion effects. I also plan on having a new damage type that will track to radiation damage in the realistic / dramatic system. Radiation Damage effects will be able to be mitigated by Ancient Tech Medicine whcih will either repair your radiation stat or your remove various effects and negative bonuses to CON rolls.

Nukes and Radiation in Gamma World

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Radiation Damage

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A New Stat

Every character in Gamma World has a new stat that accounts for the amount of radiation damage they can take. This stat is based on a creatures constitution and increases or decreases as that creatures constitution increases or decreases. This new stat is called Rads. To calculate the number of rads a creature has take it’s CON and multiply it by 100. For example if a character has a constitution of 10 then they have a Rads of 1000. Once you have this value you will multiply it by a modifier as found in the table below based on the characters size.

Size Multiplier
Tiny x1/4
Small x1/2
Normal none
Large x2
Huge x3
Gargantuan x4

Damage to your Rads

You reduce the amount of Rads you have when you encounter radiation in Gamma World. This radiation might be in the form of fallout from the bombs the ancients dropped or from creatures in Gamma World. What makes Radiation damage so dangerous is that only the Ancients knew how to cure radiation damage.


  • A nauseated creature can’t take actions or reactions.
  • A nauseated creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
  • A nauseated creature automatically fails all saving throws except those made to shaking off these effects.


  • An Anorexiad character must make a Wisdom check (DC?) every time they try to eat. When they fail, they are unable to eat. On a sucess the character consumes half rations.
  • An anorexiad character follows normal 5e Rules for lack of nutrition / water.


  • A vomiting character must make a Con Check (DC?)1D4 minutes after they finish eating. On a fail, they vomit up their food and water and recieve no nutritional value from the food and only half rations value for the water. If the character was already drinking 1/2 rations, they get no nutritional value.
  • A Vomiting character follows normal 5e rules for lack of nutrition / water.


  • A character with Diarrhea must make a Con Check (DC?) 1D4x10 minutes after they finish eating. On a fail, they pass their food and water out of their body and recieve no nutritional value from the food. This check is in addition to a check for a character who is Vomiting. If a character has failed their Con Check for Vomiting, they will not need to roll for Diarrhea.
  • A character with Diarrea follows normal 5e rules for lack of nutrition / water.

Watery Diarrhea

  • A character with Diarrhea must make a Con Check (DC?) 1D4x10 minutes after they finish eating. On a fail, they pass their food and water out of their body and recieve no nutritional value from the food and the food. This check is in addition to a check for a character who is Vomiting. If a character has failed their Con Check for Vomiting, they will not need to roll for Diarrhea.
  • A character with Diarrea follows normal 5e rules for lack of nutrition / water.


  • A character who is bleeding from ionization damage must make a Con Check (DC?) every hour or lose 1 hitpoint.
  • or A character who is bleeding from ionization damage must make a Con Check (DC?) every day or lose 3D6. On a sucessful roll, lose half that.


  • A Character with Convultions must make a Con Check (DC?) every hour. On a fail the creature can’t take actions or reactions and they take 1d4-2 damage if they are restrained carefully, otherwise they take 1d4 damage.

Damage from Radiation based on the Center for Desiese Control studies on Ionization Damage from Radiation.

Prodromal Stage

Syndrome Low Dose High Dose Onset Length Symptoms
Hematopoietic (Bone Marrow) 30 70 7D6-6 Hours 1D12 days Anorexia, Nausea, and Vomiting
Gastrointestinal (GI) 600 1000 1d4 hours 1d4*10+1d8 hours Anorexia, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, one level of exhaustion
Cardiovascular (CV) 2000 5000 1d4 minutes 1d4 hours Vomiting, watery diarrhea
Central Nervous System (CNS) 2000 5000 1d4 minutes 1d4 hours Nausea, Vomiting, Unconscious,

Latent Stage

Syndrome Low Dose High Dose Length Symptoms
Hematopoietic (Bone Marrow) 30 70 1d6 weeks Suffers from one level of exhaustion
Gastrointestinal (GI) 600 1000 1d8 days One Level of Exhaustion
Cardiovascular (CV) 2000 5000 1d4 hours One Level of Exhaustion
Central Nervous System (CNS) 2000 5000 1d4 hours One Level of Exhaustion

Manifest Illness Stage

Syndrome Low Dose High Dose Length Symptoms
Hematopoietic (Bone Marrow) 30 70 1d3 + 1 months Anorexia and One Level of Exhaustion.
Gastrointestinal (GI) 600 1000 1d4/2 Anorexia, Diarrhea, One Level of exhaustion
Cardiovascular (CV) 2000 5000 1d4 days Watery diarrhea, Convulsions, Max level of Exhaustion
Central Nervous System (CNS) 2000 5000 1d4 days Watery diarrhea, Convulsions, Max level of Exhaustion

Recovery Illness Stage

Syndrome Low Dose High Dose Recovery Time Symptoms until Recovery
Hematopoietic (Bone Marrow) 30 70 1d100 weeks Suffers from one level of exhaustion
Gastrointestinal (GI) 600 1000 Death Generally there is no recover stage
Cardiovascular (CV) 2000 5000 Death Generally there is no recover stage
Central Nervous System (CNS) 2000 5000 Death Generally there is no recover stage

Damage from a Nuke

The following information is based on real world physics for weapons and the amount of damage structures can take in Gamma World. Ranges are listed in Feet.

Blast Damage (Thunder, Bludgeoning, and Force Damage)

Description PSI Damage
10000 psi / surface (destruction of even very hardened silos) 10000 190D100
1000 psi / surface (hardened silos destroyed/damaged) 1000 10D100
600 psi / surface (destruction of highways and airfields) 600 36D20
200 psi / surface (underground water and gas lines destroyed) 200 20D20
20 psi / surface (severe to complete damage to most buildings) 20 8D12
5 psi / surface (destruction of wooden buildings, heavy damage to brick/steel buildings) 5 5D12
1 psi / surface (broken windows, light damage) 1 1d4-2
REMs (Average Human has 1000 REM for their lifetime)    

Blast Damage Range in Feet

Description 20t 1kt 10kt 20kt 1 MT 10 MT 20 MT
10000 psi / surface (destruction of even very hardened silos)   70 150 190 690 1,490 1,870
1000 psi / surface (hardened silos destroyed/damaged)   150 330 420 1,540 3,326 4,171
600 psi / surface (destruction of highways and airfields) 50 190 400 500 1,850 4,013 5,016
200 psi / surface (underground water and gas lines destroyed) 70 260 570 720 2,640 5,702 7,181
20 psi / surface (severe to complete damage to most buildings) 190 710 1,540 1,940 7,128 15,365 19,378
5 psi / surface (destruction of wooden buildings, heavy damage to brick/steel buildings) 410 1,500 3,221 4,066 14,995 32,366 40,762
1 psi / surface (broken windows, light damage) 1,050 3,854 8,342 10,454 38,597 83,424 104,544

Radiation Damage (Necrotic)

Description Damage
500 REM (50-90% Mortality without medical Care) See Table Above
600 REM (80% Mortality Rate with Medical Care) See Table Above
1000 REM (95% Mortality Rate with Medical Care) See Table Above
5000 REM (100% Mortality) See Table Above

Radiation Damage Range

Description 20t 1kt 10kt 20kt 1 MT 10 MT 20 MT
100 REMs (Sickness, increased lifetime cancer risks) 2,060 3,643 5,174 5,702 9,451 12,355 13,886
500 REM (50-90% Mortality without medical Care) 1,400 2,746 4,118 4,594 8,184 11,088 12,672
600 REM (80% Mortality Rate with Medical Care) 1,340 2,640 4,013 4,488 8,078 10,930 12,514
1000 REM (95% Mortality Rate with Medical Care) 1,170 2,390 3,696 4,171 7,656 10,507 12,091
5000 REM (100% Mortality) 720 1,660 2,746 3,168 6,389 9,134 10,718

Radiation Damage (Fire)

Description Damage
Dry wood usually burns (35 cal/cm²) 10d12
Third degree burns (100% probability) 4d12
Third degree burns (50% probability) 4d12
Second degree burns (50% probability) 2d12
First degree burns (50% probability) 1d12

Radiation Damage Range

Description 20t 1kt 10kt 20kt 1 MT 10 MT 20 MT
Skin burns (Fire Damage)              
Dry wood usually burns (35 cal/cm²)   740 2,320 3,221 20,803 59,664 81,840
Third degree burns (100% probability) 450 1,650 4,594 6,283 35,059 93,984 126,192
Third degree burns (50% probability) 480 1,780 4,963 6,758 37,594 100,848 134,640
Second degree burns (50% probability) 590 2,170 6,072 8,290 46,042 123,024 164,208
First degree burns (50% probability) 840 3,115 8,501 11,563 62,304 163,680 216,480
Minimum radius for 100% probability of no harm 1,080 3,960 10,930 14,784 78,672 203,808 271,392

Visible Fireball and Blast

Description 20t 1kt 10kt 20kt 1 MT 10 MT 20 MT
Fireball Radius 50 260 650 860 4,118 10,349 13,675
Airblast Radius 50 3,854 8,342 10,454 38,597 83,424 104,544
